Buying a used vehicle? Great price? STOP.
Are you sure you gain more than you lose? Check its history for hidden problems first.
Check VIN

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VIN Number Scams

Unfortunately, used car market is full of VIN number scams like counterfeit VIN, VIN cloning (or car cloning), stealing the VIN in order to get duplicate set of key.

VIN Number Cloning

VIN number is the unique identifier of your car and its history. However, many used cars offered for sale may have a counterfeit VIN, the one that has been altered by unfair dealers in order to conceal the vehicle's history or what specifically vehicle this one is and pass it off as a clean car. I most cases it's not just faking the VIN but VIN cloning - assigning an existing VIN with a clean title to a dirty (stolen or salvaged) car. VIN number cloning (or car cloning) is probably the most common VIN scam. If someone is asking you to provide the VIN number for him or her to run VIN check, it does not necessarily mean a scam and your VIN will be found on another car some day. However, you should be informed about this. As a buyer, remember that one cannot be too careful when buying a used vehicle. Note: VIN numbers never include I, O and Q letters because they can be easily mixed with digits.

Read more about car cloning..>>

Car Key Cloning Scam

Although this one is not so common as other scams, you'd better be on the safe side. Just a few years a VIN number was all that you needed to order a duplicate set of key at the dealership if case you lost yours. And it has worked for many car thieves and against honest car owners. Now the dealerships are aware about this type of VIN scam and do not provide the key easily.

Read more about car key cloning..>>

Buying a used vehicle? Great price? STOP.
Are you sure you gain more than you lose? Check its history for hidden problems first.
Check VIN

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Hidden Problems:

Check VIN